Sunday, February 24, 2019

We Are The Catalyst - Ephemeral (2019)

I discovered the Swedish group We Are The Catalyst a couple of years ago when they released their sophomore effort "Elevation", and I was instantly hooked to the band and their flowing adrenaline fueled style of melodic metal. It was just something with them that got me into the headbanging groove, and even if the album itself was quite uneven, it did leave me longing for more. Three years later, the band is now back to deliver their third album, so let us see if they can make me move again.

So "Ephemeral" is certainly a continuation of "Elevation" and what that band did, but if "Elevation" was a formula 1 car, I guess "Ephemeral" is more of a Mustang. The album has some speed in it, but the adrenaline rush that the predecessor had is missing. Weirdly enough, I do not think it makes "Ephemeral" a worse record, because it still has that flowing style. I think the closest comparison I can make of what We Are The Catalyst is doing is if you take a muted version of Amaranthe's sound, and then mix it with some parts of early Evanescence. At times, singer Catrin Feymark does sound a little like Amy Lee, just not as gothic.

It is the instrumentation though that is the strong suit of this band. While we may not get any memorable riffs or any amazing drum patterns, the band manages to create a soundscape that feels beefy and vibrant, really lifting every track to the skies. Joni Kaartinen's bass is loud and clear, Kenny Boufadene's guitar brings the power, and Håkan Strind's drums commands the tempo with an iron fist. It is an excellent team effort, even if the individual efforts could have been displayed more.

Most of the songs in here are around the 3 and a half minute mark, and most of them have that banging sensation that makes your head go up and down in various degrees. Songs like "Over Pale Waters", "The Code", and "Breathing Black" are fun ones you can easily loose yourselves in, while "Where Mountain Stands" and "Alone Against The World" impress you with a slower tempo. The most interesting track in here though is "Innan Allt Faller" (translation: before everything falls), a full on Swedish track that is more like what the band did in "Elevation", also adding an epic and catchy chorus to boot. It is a track I keep coming back to, and it is not because I am Swedish myself, I just love the flow of this track.

It is a shame that "Ephemeral" does not have the power that its predecessor have, but it still feels like a We Are The Catalyst album through and through (even with the Evanescence vibes). The slower tempo gives the album its own identity, making it stand out and showing that the band does have some versatility, and while the song writing is mostly alright, it does tend to get lost in the shuffle at times, being a little too similar (especially in the second half). While "Ephemeral" does not make me as pumped up as "Elevation" did, it is still a cool little record that is worthy of a look or two, so go check it out.

Songs worthy of recognition: Innan Allt Faller, Over Pale Waters, Where Mountain Stands

Rating: 7/10 Predators

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